
Fungal Barrier

Fungal Barrier


Shock and weather resistant DORMATIC Hydraulic Mushroom Barriers are produced from European norm 304 Quality Stainless pipes with advanced technology. The diameter and height of the barriers vary according to the requirements of the area or the desired level of security. Thanks to its electronic capability, the upgrade/downgrade process can be controlled through any type of card reader, remote control, fingerprint biometric readers, automatic license plate recognition system, or any access control system, even with a simple control button. In addition, the system; Safety accessories such as magnetic loop detectors, photocouplers, flashing lights or red/green traffic lights can be easily integrated. 

The assassination mushroom specially designed by our company is a type of barrier specially designed to prevent car bombs and suicide attacks.

The cork barrier is a security product specifically designed against the risk of all types of vehicular assassination. 80 km per hour. Our mushroom barrier product, which has the qualities to stop a vehicle that hits even quickly, is an extremely stable solution with its hydraulic working principle. Dozens of mushroom barriers that we have designed and installed to this day serve as on the first day. Mushroom barrier is an advantageous product in terms of price.


Telescopic Mushroom Barrier Systems are produced specifically for projects. Especially for risky areas with infrastructure problems, telescopic mushroom barrier systems can be produced in the most appropriate dimensions for your needs.

Telescopic mushroom barrier systems are preferred in all areas such as military facilities, security units and lodgings, consulates and public buildings where high security measures need to be taken but have infrastructure problems.

As with mushroom barrier systems, telescopic mushroom barrier systems are also reinforced to prevent unauthorized vehicle entry.


Our Dormatically newly produced Manual Mushrooms are a product that you can easily use and designed for your private parking spaces. 

With its easy installation and comfortable use, it can also be considered as an alternative material in front of your shops, shopping malls and sidewalks.


Dormatic fixed fungal barriers;

Fixed Mushroom Barriers, which are resistant to weather conditions and impact, are used especially in public and private areas and can be produced in different diameters and heights according to the requirements of the area. Production and assembly methods,

It is designed as concreting on the ground, fixing to the ground, locked or detachable when necessary.

Dormatic fixed cork barriers add value to your architectural work as well as your safety.


Road Blocker is the most widely used system against all kinds of vehicular attacks in areas where entry-exit should be controlled and safe, such as military facilities, government buildings, embassies, production facilities, oil refineries, hotels, airports and stadiums. The system is not only designed as a chassis resistant to vehicle collisions, but also all components related to the system are strengthened against possible attacks. Thanks to the hydraulic working system, the Dormatik Blocker System works uninterruptedly even in the busiest places. This system is synchronized with the Mushroom Barrier and other barriers and ensures the safe entry of vehicles into the region by keeping the defense at the highest level in case of possible attacks.

"Road Blocker, which maximizes your security with its powerful and fast structure..."